AFA are contributing (currently RIBA Stage 3) to the design development of Scoil an Droichid Primary School, Somerset St and Cross Parade, Belfast comprising a new 7 class-base primary school with learning support and autism spectrum disorder unit and single unit nursery. The new part single, part two storey load bearing masonry buildings with steel frame multi-purpose hall and associated soft and hard play areas are to be situated on the existing ULIDIA Resource Centre site which has already been demolished in preparation for the new school.
The site itself is set in a busy suburban environment immediately adjacent to a conservation area. This informed many aspects of the design-development and construction-management not least in terms of the design of safe drop off and parking facilities within the site and safe pedestrian and cycle access to the site and buildings.
It is envisaged that the works will be delivered in three phases over two years so as to cause least disruption to school activities and curriculum delivery:
A BREEAM rating of “Excellent” is to be achieved.
Somerset St/Cross Parade, Belfast
Amey FMP / Education Authority
circa £3.0M
Todd Architects